How did you get into music?
It was inevitable. Something along those lines was always going to happen. I went to a performing arts class when I was younger, but then I went to Barbara Speake Stage School. I didn’t actually know I could sing until I was about 14. I got a main in a show. I was really excited because I could act well, and dance well, but thought I couldn’t sing. So I tried, and here we are.
Now you’re a triple threat! That’s very intimidating *laughs* Good job though! Do you still dance and act or do you mainly focus on music now?
I have really developed a love for directing. I want to direct for musical theatre, or maybe some film. I’m kind of worming my way into that path. It’s on the same path as what I’m doing, anyway. I dabble in acting here and there and I did a heels dance class the other day! The muscle memory made it easier to pick up choreography, but dancing in heels was something else.
"I wanted to show the process of that lovesick girl to a breakup, everything fully cycle."
So, you directed your music video? Was that the first one you directed?
It was the first one I’ve done with no input whatsoever. Usually, I co-direct everything I do and have someone over my shoulder giving suggestions. But this time I wanted no input and do it as I see it.
That’s amazing! Did you feel more pressure from doing it by yourself or was it freeing?
To be honest, it was quite thrilling. It’s what I want to do. I had to do it unassisted to know what it feels like. I want to direct other people's videos and short films. I want to build my portfolio with the music I’m doing.

I love this for you! That’s so exciting. It was cool to watch, knowing you directed it by yourself. You wrote the song, you could add in the nuances of what it’s about and what the story is going to be. Take It From Me is an anti-love song?
It definitely is. I’ve spent quite a lot of time writing love songs, that was Metaphoric State of Mind Volume 1 project. I’m in the midst of mixing and mastering Volume 2. I wanted to show the process of that lovesick girl to a breakup, everything fully cycle. Take It From Me is where I am at now in the journey. I’ve learnt so much and wanted to put it out there first. There are some nice ones on the projects that aren’t so mean.
I don’t think it’s mean! I think it’s empowering because we see all the soppy breakup songs. The message I got from it was- it doesn’t matter if you’re by yourself, take as much time as you need to enjoy the process. It’s way better to be with someone you’re sure about.
Yeah, exactly! Having all the women behind me in the video, to show we’ve got this, we can do this. It was fun to make. Would I do it again? Hell yes!
What was the recording process like? Did you do it in-house?
I work with two guys I know; they direct too! They’re my male allies. To be on a project, and for them to give me creative freedom and support me. It was amazing.
"If I’m honest, it confuses me that there are some great women out there who are pushed to the back of a pile. Festival lineups that are male dominated- what is the reason?"
How has your style changed since your last release?
My first release was in 2018. It was very R&B, and bass. Everything I had written before that was what I wanted to do, something different. My sound is more contemporary R&B/Futuristic. I’m going to make what I want to make. I know what my sound is, so having said futuristic. It includes bits of everything.
It takes some time to find what feels right for you, and what your audience likes. It’s cool that you’ve found it so quickly.
I’ve had people suggest I go back to R&B, but I want to continue what I want to do. This isn’t a hobby, this is what I want to do for the rest of my life. If I start a train, people may want to buy tickets and jump on the train.
What does music mean to you?
Music is my bed, it’s my complete comfort zone.
"Keep your head up, your heart strong, and keep your eyes very wide open."
We’re seeing quite a rise of major artists talking about the pressure of content creation. How do you deal with that pressure? Do you feel that there is more pressure as an independent artist?
In all honesty, there was a time I felt that pressure. I still do from time to time, but just because I’m not posting doesn’t mean I’m not working. I just do what I want. After my dance class, I may give TikTok a go! All these platforms contribute to moving forward.
"If I’m honest, it confuses me that there are some great women out there who are pushed to the back of a pile. Festival lineups that are male dominated- what is the reason?"

You’re a massive advocate for celebrating up-and-coming talent. Why is it important for you to be the person who does it?
I understand what they’re going through. I was in radio once upon a time and used the platform to promote myself, and other artists. It was some of the artists' first shows. Now I’m not doing radio, I still support. It’s important to give them feedback too even if you can’t accommodate them. Feedback is crucial. It’s weird that they’ll follow these people on social media, but then ignore their emails or DM’s. It’s disheartening for them. It might be uncomfortable for people to hear, but we need that support and feedback. All it is is a repost, or automated message saying it’s not quite suitable, etc. I took a day out and listened to everyone's music and see how I could help, and it’s not being done.
How would you like to see the music industry change for women and gender minorities?
If I’m honest, it confuses me that there are some great women out there who are pushed to the back of a pile. Festival lineups that are male dominated- what is the reason? Nobody gets it. It needs to change. We hope for next year there will be more recognition for people in the industry.
Who is your dream collab?
I need to sing with Chris Martin. I just feel like it’s really important for me. It would be such a moment. I’d love to collaborate with Ed Sheeran or Dave.
We’re manifesting it for you. When it happens, I’ll share the shit out of it.
What advice would you give to a woman entering the music industry?
Keep your head up, your heart strong, and keep your eyes very wide open.
I felt that in my bones.
What is it about writing that inspires you the most?
It just happens. I don’t have a process; it just happens. When I was at school, I really liked English. I’ve taken that into life and I really enjoy the writing process. I might love it more than everything we’ve spoken about today. I write so metaphorically.
What qualities are you most proud of in yourself?
My confidence and my get up and go. It is really tough, but I feel like I’ve still got more to give. I’ll keep pushing and someone will open a door for me. Share and give love.

Stream Take It From Me here: