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Nathalie Miranda releases new 80's pop song, 'Is This Love'.

Writer's picture: Sophie SmithSophie Smith

From what it means to be a woman in the music industry to the inspiration behind Is This Love, Nathalie Miranda uncovers all.

Nathalie Miranda releases 80s pop song is this love
Image via Nathalie Miranda

Who is Nathalie Miranda?

I’m a retro pop/rock artist from London and I write songs about the highs and lows of relationships, female empowerment and never giving up on your dreams.

You originally wrote Is This Love in 2015 and re-worked it in 2021. How has the song developed?

Yes, that’s right. I felt that the first verse in particular didn’t have enough impact lyrically. I had written it as a demo originally and literally just threw down an idea, so when it came to recording it for my own release, I knew I had to rework some sections.

The other part I changed completely was the middle 8. The new melody is more memorable, and it leads into the key change perfectly. The production is completely different too. This version uses original 80s synths and drum loops, which was really exciting for me as I love 80s pop productions. And this definitely brought the song to life!

"There is still very much a feeling of ‘oh you’re a female producer, that’s really cute’, you know what I mean? It’s like, oh how did you learn that? Women are extremely capable of doing anything they set their minds to in this industry."

Nathalie Miranda smiling with her hand on her chest
Image via Nathalie Miranda

Your style has changed quite significantly since the likes of Battle Scars, do you think you have now found your sound?

Haha, interesting question. All my songs will have a different sound. It’s the way I like to express myself. I enjoy experimenting with different genres, styles etc, and I like to evolve as an artist. So while the happy, fun ‘Is This Love’ is completely different to ‘Battle Scars’, which was an empowering, rock/pop song, they are both stamped with my voice and style of singing. And I guess I do like to surprise people too :)

"When I’m singing, I feel confident and empowered whereas in everyday life, I’m really kind of shy."

What is it about the 80s that inspires you the most?

It’s the crazy fashion, the incredible music that spanned many genres, the vibrant colours in music videos…the way that music was more like an evolution for artists. Madonna, for example, switched everything up with each release. And that’s something I like to do also.

You have a fierce, full vocal style- similarly to Cher. What led you to singing?

Thank you so much. I get compared to Cher alot and it’s a compliment! She is a legend! I’ve been singing pretty much all my life but I was a really shy kid, so it took me a long time to sing in public. I would always sing in my room with the music cranked up so no-one in the house could hear me!

I found the confidence one year while I was on holiday, and got up and sang karaoke…it was like it’s now or never! And that’s how it all started. But music and singing is my way of expressing myself in a way I’m not always capable of in everyday speech. When I’m singing, I feel confident and empowered whereas in everyday life, I’m really kind of shy.

What female artists inspire you?

Christina Aguilera, for her awesome voice and the way she stands up for women in this industry and in life in general; Whitney Houston for her insane talent; Cher for the way she had to work her upwards in this industry despite being told her voice was too different; and Madonna, for paving the way for other female artists to be themselves, in an industry that is still mostly male-dominated.

I can be quite critical of myself when recording, so I find myself wanting to redo sections as I’m never happy with anything. I push myself to the ultimate limit and just keep that focus going until everything is done.

Nathalie Miranda smiling with her hands on her cheeks
Image via Nathalie Miranda

You’ve also worked on other peoples music, how does that differ from your originals?

Yes, I’ve been lucky enough to collaborate on many dance tracks over the last few years. I mean, it’s still me writing and recording the vocals, so I will always go above and beyond to create a great product. The difference is working to someone else’s brief and idea of how they want the song to sound.

What was your first gig that you went to?

Haha! Ok, don’t laugh! I went to see BROS in concert when I was 6, because a kid in my class was the son of one of their managers! So we went with our mums to Wembley Stadium! Hilarious but really cute to think back on it now!

What are your best musical skills?

Definitely writing melodies and lyrics…and singing, of course!

What was the recording process like?

For ‘Is This Love’, as with most of my songs, I record at home with my co-writer and producer. I can be quite critical of myself when recording, so I find myself wanting to redo sections as I’m never happy with anything. I push myself to the ultimate limit and just keep that focus going until everything is done.

What keeps you in the music industry?

My sheer love for singing and music. It’s been a dream of mine for so many years and I’m not about to let go of it any time soon. I also want to prove alot of people wrong. And there are many!

Is This Love Nathalie Miranda
Image via Nathalie Miranda

How can the music industry become a safer space for women?

There is still very much a feeling of ‘oh you’re a female producer, that’s really cute’, you know what I mean? It’s like, oh how did you learn that? Women are extremely capable of doing anything they set their minds to in this industry. I love that Cactus City runs an all female studio. That’s definitely something we should be seeing more of today.

There’s still a long way to go for sure, but hopefully as people open their eyes and their minds more, women will be able to work safely in this industry.

Nathalie Miranda Is This Love single cover
Image via Nathalie Miranda

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